Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Home for One Month!

As you can see Melina is adjusting well. She is such a joy and a wonderful blessing. She is attaching well to me,("Momma")and she loves her Daddy. I think we have finally settled in to a little routine and she is sleeping well at night. She is very active. Her legs and hands are constantly moving, even though she is not crawling yet. I am trying to get rested up for the big day because it won't be long. Today she was up on her hands and knees rocking back and forth.
Sorry I have not been good at updating the blog but it has been an adjustment trying to keep everything together and the blog was the logical thing to let go. We will try to do better. I know it is the pictures you really like anyway so we will periodically add some new photos.
It is very hard to believe that today it has been one month since we got home from China. Time is just getting faster and faster!
We are thanking and praising God for our little miracle and we thank you all for your continued prayers.


Anonymous said...

Shanna, so glad to hear that all of you are doing well! Melina is adorable! What a priviledge to be trusted with another little one.

May God contiune to give His wisdom as you raise all three of your girls!

Jane Carter.

Doug and Terrye said...

What a joy to see her slip so peacefully into her family. God is awesome in His grace, and I praise Him for all He has done in your family!!!
