Friday, September 14, 2007

Sarasota Trip and New Email Address

Sorry it has been such a long time since we last posted. We have been busy living our lives with Melina and the rest of the girls. We are really enjoying it too. Melina appears to be no different than any other little girl her age. She is crawling around now and soon she will be walking. She has a little mind of her own and we have to tell her "No." even though it doesn't seem we've had her long enough for that. Nevertheless, she is into everything, just like any other child. She is so funny. She will go toward something we have told her "No" to and when she gets close, she stops short, normally, looks up at Mommy or Daddy with a questioning expression, and shakes her head "No." Sometimes she actually does turn away and sometimes she doesn't - pretty typical.

As we were eating supper tonight, I made the comment that the Chinese government really did a good job of picking Melina for us. Shanna corrected me when she said, "God chose her before the foundation of the world." How true she is. I pray that we would be worthy stewards of this amazing gift.

By the way - our email has changed. Our new email is Shanna and I will try to do a better job of keeping you posted on our family. Please forgive us for the long time between posts. All is well here at the Ginn household.

The collage above are pictures taken from our trip to Longboat Key in August. Remember, you can click on the picture and it will open the picture up in a larger window so you can see it better.

1 comment:

Connor Register said...

Wow! Melina is just gorgeous! I am sorry that I haven't been diligent checking the blog. Things are busy here as well. We think of each of you daily in our prayers. We are so grateful to our Lord that you are doing well! Happy Belated Birthday, Melina!