Saturday, October 27, 2007


Oh, how thankful I am for our family and this special little girl! I thank God and I am amazed at how He carefully chose her for us. She is growing. She is now 15 mo. old. This week she had her well check and her pediatrician of course was pleased. She has gone from a little girl that could barely sit up on her own and 3 months behind to a little toddler toddling around, getting into everything, saying new words everyday, and is now closer to an 18mo. old. I am not bragging, just so amazed and so in love. We all are.
The older girls have a lot of fun with her also. It gives me joy to see these sisters enjoying each other and learning how to work and play together. I am thankful they have each other.
Today Barry said," Mommy needs to start the paperwork for #2!"
We'll see....

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