Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What to Pray For

As the time nears my emotions are so up and down. In order for us to be included in this next batch the CCAA would have to process 20 days. They have not processed that many days since September of 2005. They have processed 19 days twice since then, but all other months were below 19. So, my prayer is that by some miracle they process 20 days and we are included in this next batch that will probably come out the first week of February. My father's health is declining. I think it would be very special for him to at least get to see Melina. At the same time I know in my heart that God's timing is perfect and I am trusting Him on that!
Also, please pray that Melina's heart is being prepared for us. As I have been reading on attachment issues it makes my heart break to think of all the loss that she is going to be experiencing and has already experienced, even in receiving a family! I pray that she will be able to bond with us and that family and friends will be understanding of how we have to treat her simply because she has had so much loss. I was telling my girls how I would let them cry in their cribs if they didn't want to go to bed when Mommy and Daddy wanted them to. And it was okay. They would eventually calm down and go to sleep, but we will not be able to do that with Melina. She needs to learn that we are not going to leave her, that she can trust us and we will be there for her.
I am also reading all the lists of what to bring, what to is overwhelming!! Please pray that we will be able to get everything together and that our trip will be a pleasant one. We will be taking Meredith with us and I pray that she will be strong and be able to persevere without whining through the long days. She is so excited and she is going to be a big help! I cannot wait to see her face when she finally gets to meet this precious sister of hers that she has been praying for for so long! For Madeline: that she will be a big help at home to Aunt Susan and she will not be anxious. She will learn to trust in Jesus.
There is so much going on...I wish I could include everything. Please remember us in your prayers and I am so thankful for all of you!

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