Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Dichotomy-Waiting for Life and Waiting for Death

My life these days is explained well as a dichotomy-"a division into two usually opposed parts."
We are waiting for life....the life of our daughter, Melina, and at the same time waiting for death...the death of my father. We have been on a rollercoaster with both. We hear news that it is going to be soon that we hear something from China, then it is no, not for a few more weeks. Hospice says, it is going to be soon. We have been told several times,"two weeks" and then " a couple days" and it has been 2 months. It is nothing but waiting...and more waiting.
I am so glad that there is comfort and hope in it all though. I am thankful for this past week that I was able to spend at my parents helping take care of my father. Depsite his condition I had a great week with him. I enjoyed reading to him, praying with him and had wonderful conversation with him. God blessed the time we had and it was good.
Hospice Critical Care is back and Dad has been ready to meet His Saviour and be rid of his failing body. Pray that his prayer would be answered.
I am so ready to hear the good news of our little girl and to see her face. We are all hoping for a call in the next few days or by the early part of next week, but I am bracing myself for another 2 week wait. It is hard. My emotions inside are so confused! We watched a video of families receiving their children and we all cried. I cannot even imagine what that day will be like, but I am so ready for it.
As I have thought a lot about my dad I have thought a lot about one of my favorite Psalms and that is Psalm 73. I will not quote the entire Psalm, but it is a great one. Tonight, the verse that gave me comfort was a different one than is, "But as for me, it is good to be near God."

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