Sunday, May 13, 2007

Day 2 - Beijing - Tianamen Square, Forbidden City & Great Wall

First, a big Happy Mother's Day to all of you. And when I say "big", I mean Forbidden City big. We walked for nearly two hours in the Forbidden City and did not step on the same stone twice. The place was "gi-normous."

Second, a big "Thank You" to all of you who are checking in with us on our blog and leaving us comments. And when I say "big" I mean Great Wall of China big. We can view the emails but unfortunately we cannot view our own blog, only post to it. Your words of encouragement are great. Thank you for sharing our excitement with us.

Third, it looks like it will be one more day before we wrap our arms around our little Melina. We had thought that we would get her tomorrow, 5-14-07 (Monday), but it looks like it will be 5-15-07 (Tuesday) instead. We'll keep you posted and be sure to share pictures with you when we can.

Obviously from the above comments, we had a "big" day. We first started by having a "big" breakfast, we rode a "big" bus, we visited a "big" square (Tianamen), a "big" city (Forbidden City), and a "big" wall (Great Wall of China). Instead of boring you with a "big" blog, here are a few pictures. We need to get to bed tonight so we will give you the "big" blog tomorrow.

1 comment:

Connor Register said...

Yes, indeed, the Square, the City, and the Wall are big! Such an amazing culture! Come on & far up the Great Wall did you make it?

Our Sunday School class lifted you in prayer and asked us to send their joys and wishes along.

You all look like you are having a great time! Madeline, I know you miss everyone, but you were lifted in prayer this morning today, too!

We are all addicted to your blog, so please keep posting. We can't wait (as I am sure you can't) til Tuesday.