Monday, May 14, 2007

Day 4 - Gotcha Day Before Melina

I got up a 6:00 am this morning after a great night's sleep. I was so tired last night I was probably asleep by 9:30 (am your time pm our time) and I was ready to get up. It's now about 7:00 am and I've gotten my shower, checked the email and now I am posting a blog to share my excitement.

(By the way, thanks so much to Linda and Huey Register for sending a comment every time we post. It means so much to us to see those of you who are reading the blog when you leave us a comment. If you are reading the blog and not leaving us a comment, you need to. It takes nearly no time at all.)

I just wanted to remind all of you that tonight, while you sleep, we will be getting our little girl. When you wake up tomorrow morning you will get to see the first pictures of her and us together, our new family of 5.

I also wanted to send a special thanks to the folks on this building. If it weren't for them, we would likely not be able to share this experience with you all.
The picture was taken in Beijing when we first arrived and I thought it was appropriate to take a picture of the Microsoft Building since without their accomplishments in technology, much of all this would not be possible.

Sleep well tonight and hopefully we will have time to post some pictures and video by the time you wake up.


Doug and Terrye said...

I know you must be on pins and needles right now!!! This is the day that God has ordered for your family to meet Melina! Don't forget to breathe, and enjoy the moment.

Connor Register said...

Praise God! For He is the giver of all good and wonderful things!

I know how hard these next few hours will be, alternating between a little anxiety and total joy, but they are beautiful moments. Maybe Meredith can make a note in her journal of how she feels this will be priceless in the years to come.

Snap lots and lots of pictures and have someone else in your travel group (if possible) shoot your video so that all 3 of you are in it. Melina will be a little scared and probably exhausted by the trip and the uncertainty, but your love will comfort and coax her out of that very quickly. That first smile you receive will absolutely be forever etched in your memories.

We are rejoicing with you! Melina is a very lucky little girl and the Ginn Family is very blessed. Give her a little hug from us....

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you guys. It was awesome to see you all on cool is that?

Love you and can't wait to see you all holding and "lovin' on Melina."

Grace and peace,


Mary Lu said...

The blog is such a blast to read! I check it 2x a day! You guys are great. Thanks for treating us all to this time with you. We'll be praying and look forward to some fun pictures and commentary! P.S.AC and J and I loved the ballet! M was great! Love and prayers, Mary Lu for all

The Andrews said...

The pictures are absolutely fabulous. I can't wait for Melina to get a bit older and Meredith can show her the same pictures. Those big, beautiful, brown eyes of Meredith's will look adoringly down on her little sister with unconditional love. What a special bond those two will share!

Will was the only Andrews to make it to the recital - the rest of us were "doing softball". He thought it was "really cool" because it had blood. Barry, was't there a time when you wanted a boy? (:
He did see Madeline and said she did a terrific job! My mom-in-law was very impressed with the entire show and hopes to see Mary take part one day.

It's almost 11:00pm here. I'm praying that you are on your way to pick-up Melina. May God continue to bless you every step of the way.

Oodles of love,
Sandi and the rest of the Andrews