Monday, May 14, 2007

Day 3-Guangzhou

This is finally the last night without Melina. This morning we awoke early for our flight from Beijing to Guangzhou. We arrived after lunch some time and headed to the famous White Swan Hotel. I did not get to see much of Guangzhou on the way in because we were all anxiously listening over the grinding of gears to our in country coordinator as she gave us a few details of what is to happen over the next few days. Once again we were a little misinformed and we will get the babies tomorrow afternoon, not morning like we were all anticipating. I did not hear very well because Barry and I were toward the back and the bus was very loud. We are looking forward to our meeting in the morning that will give us a better picture of what to expect. Basically, we know the most important part and that is when we get Melina!! It was a neat feeling to walk into our little room and have the crib all ready set up waiting for us. I got that rush in my stomach feeling again. I unpacked and tried to get things settled and organized so I would have a little idea of where things are when I need them. We took a little stroll around the hotel, took Meredith swimming, and walked a little around a few shops on the island. We did not get very far and look forward to looking around a little more while carrying our sweet bundle with us!
We have had such a wonderful trip so far and it is only going to get better. I am so looking forward to holding Melina. I have packed the diaper back pack and that is wierd! It has been forever and I am not sure I know what I am doing anymore!!
Well, I need to get to bed. Excuse the not so smooth post tonight...
By the way, Barry has done an outstanding job of blogging lately hasn't he? I assume you all can tell which one of us is blogging? His are more coherent these days than mine. He is really enjoying it and enjoying China and our trip much more than he ever thought he would. I am sooo glad!
Love you all and thank you so much for your prayers! We will have plenty of pictures for you tomorrow! I can't wait!!!


Connor Register said...

We remember all too well that wonderful, butterfly in the stomach feeling when we walked into our room at the White Rose and saw Mikayla's bed ready and waiting for her.

As for the diaper backpack and the time elapsed, it all comes back effortlessly. Don't worry. And if you forget some small detail, remember love covers a multitude. Just love her...everything else will come!

We are so thrilled that your dream to Melina is finally becoming a reality. All our prayers and blessings....

Unknown said...

Dear Shana and Barry,
Susan was over today with the children and showed us you blog. Congratulations! She sure is a cutie pie. It looks like she is going to get a lot of hugging and love, which both of you are able to handle. Looking forward to seeing her in person.
Pat and Walt