Friday, May 11, 2007

We Are Finally Here!

WOW! We are finally here after 45 hours of traveling and Meredith did absolutely fabulous. We are thoroughly exhausted and ready to crash. We began our journey at 4 AM on Wed. We flew to LA and had almost a 12 hour layover. We were able to rest in a room for a little while before eating supper and getting back to the airport. Our plane left LA at midnight....our battery is going and we don't have the right converter. Real quick, Barry had to buy a new computer because his crashed the very first day. :( We had no way of getting in touch with our family so he/I got a birthday present.

Madeline, we love you and wish you were here. Later today you have your rehearsal. I know you will do well.

Please leave a comment on how Nana is doing with her chemo.
We are in Beijing. Tomorrow is a free day and we will do our site seeing on Sunday. Hopefully we can find a converter soon so we can get on the computer again.


Connor Register said...

Barry, Shanna, & Meredith,

We are so glad to hear you are in Beijing safely. I know that you are exhausted after such an incredibly long day, but try to drink up as much of Melina's culture as possible. Good luck finding a should be able to get one. If not, most hotels have a business center that will allow you to update your posts. I know you will not be able to use your Skype camera, but at least you can send pictures.

We are so thrilled for you! We are so looking forward to Monday for you (Sunday here) when we can see you finally hold Melina.

Blessings & long distance hugs, Linda, Huey, Spencer, Connor, & Mikayla

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
We just sent an e-mail w/ picts. I hope you can check it. The rehersal went great and the girls are excited about tomorrow.

Nana went in at 8 this a.m. and has been given her fluids and the first of her chemo drugs. Something in the fluids made her light headed and makes her drowsy. I did not get back up there this p.m., but will take the girls in their costume tomorrow. I'll tell you more when we talk on the skype.

Love ya'll and can't wait to talk to you!